North Fort Myers Seniors 8-Ball League
Print Pages Using Ctrl+P
Link to Operating Procedures document
Will open in a new window. Scroll within the document to view all text.
Link to Score Sheet Instructions document
Will open in a new window. Scroll within the document to view all text.
Link to Allocation of Handicaps Table
Use table as a handy reference showing the handicaps applied for all 5 rounds of play. Will open in another window. Scroll within the document to view all text.
Blank Score Sheets - click on the entries below to open the desired score sheet:
1. Click "Excel Score Sheet" column to open in Excel Online - you will need to resize it for viewing/printing. If you don't have access to MS Excel, use the "PDF" column.
2. Click the "PDF" column to open a PDF document for printing.
Excel Print problems? - Try this -
First select (with the mouse) all the cells to print (easiest to do from the bottom right cell to the top left), then select the print option on the top right of the ExcelOnline page.
Then choose “current selection” on the little pop-up. From there, choose your printer but (if you can) do NOT choose to print a header or footer on the page.
If you do a print preview, you will see what you are going to get on the actual page.
One thing, if the ExcelOnline page is too large for your browser window to select the whole thing, you can resize your view by using the plus minus signs loacated in the lower right corner of the page.
Procedure For Webmaster to create PDFs
In MS Onedrive - in upper left, select Apps then Excel (will open in new window)
In Excel - select your spreadsheet, Excel Online will open in new window
In Excel - select file, print.
Click print, print window will open
In print window - on upper right side where it says, "My local printer", select dropdown for download as PDF
Also select scaling to "fit sheet on one page", press Download at top right
In browser - select "show all dowloads", new window should open with all your downloads, top one is the one you just did
In Download window - move your PDF file into your Onedrive folder
In Onedrive - get link to file, cut and paste to WIX Web page link input field​